Fildena 120 Mg

Fildena 120 Mg


Active Ingredient Sildenafil Citrate
Indication Erectile Dysfunction
Manufacturer Fortune Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.
Packaging 10 Tablets/Capsules in a Strip
Strength 120mg
Delivery Time 6 To 15 days
SKU: UHPFIL104 Categories:

Available Options

Pack SizePriceQuantity 
90 tablet/s$76.35
120 tablet/s$101.80
150 tablet/s$125.74
300 tablet/s$224.80

Order Fildena 120 Mg Tablets

FILDENA 120 is an oral medication prescribed to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). The active ingredient, Sildenafil Citrate, a PDE5 inhibitor, increases blood flow to the penis, leading to improved erections.

Take FILDENA 120 orally 30-60 minutes before engaging in sexual activity or up to 4 hours before. Possible side effects include headaches, flushing, and indigestion. If you experience chest pain or prolonged erections, seek medical help right away.

What Is Fildena 120 Mg?

Fildena 120 Mg contains sildenafil citrate, an effective PDE5 inhibitor. This medicine helps blood flow to the penis when aroused, leading to strong and lasting erections during sex. The 120 mg strength of sildenafil gives stronger effects than lower-dose formulations for those needing more powerful results.

How Does Fildena 120Mg Work?

Fildena 120Mg works by inhibiting PDE5, an enzyme responsible for degrading cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). Fildena 120Mg relaxes muscles and improves blood flow to the penis. This leads to a strong and long-lasting erection when sexually stimulated.

Benefits of Fildena 120Mg:

  • Fildena 120Mg is a reliable treatment for Erectile Dysfunction, helping men with erection problems. It effectively manages symptoms and provides a solution for those who struggle with maintaining an erection.
  • Fildena 120 Mg works quickly, allowing users to experience its benefits soon after taking it.
  • Fildena 120 Mg lasts longer than weaker sildenafil pills, making sex easier and spontaneous.

Usage Guidelines:

  • Take Fildena 120 Mg by mouth with water 30-60 minutes before sex.
  • Avoid High-Fat Meals: Consuming high-fat meals prior to taking Fildena 120 Mg may delay its effectiveness. For best results, it’s advised that this medication be taken either on an empty stomach or with a light meal.
  • Do not drink alcohol or grapefruit juice while taking Fildena 120 Mg. This can reduce its effectiveness or cause negative effects. It is advised to limit or completely avoid consuming these substances while on this medication. It is recommended to limit or completely avoid consuming these substances while on this medication.

Precautions and Considerations:

  • Before beginning Fildena 120 Mg treatment, individuals should consult with a healthcare provider first. This is especially important if they have preexisting medical conditions or medications which interact with sildenafil.
  • If you are allergic to sildenafil or any of its parts, do not take Fildena 120 Mg. Also, if you are taking nitrates or other nitric oxide donors, avoid taking this medication. The combination of these factors could lead to low blood pressure. This could cause low blood pressure.
  • Adverse Effects: Common side effects of Fildena 120 Mg may include headache, flushing, flushing indigestion nasal congestion visual disturbances. If any adverse reactions persist or worsen users should seek medical advice immediately.


Fildena 120 Mg is an effective medication used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. It’s important to understand how it works, its benefits, and how to use it correctly when treating ED symptoms. Put safety first when starting any medication, like Fildena 120 Mg. Consult healthcare professionals and ensure it’s suitable for your health conditions before beginning treatment with this dose.

Other Strength:

Fildena 25 Mg | Fildena 50 Mg | Fildena 100 Mg | Fildena 150 Mg | Fildena CT 50 Mg | Fildena CT 100 Mg | Fildena Double 200 Mg | Super Fildena | Fildena Super Active | Fildena Professional 100 Mg | Fildena XXX 100 Mg


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